
Should You See a Physical Therapist After a Car Accident?

Car accidents are jarring and can feel quite terrifying in the moment. Afterwards your life feels upended and many things feel uncertain. Potential injuries, property damage, and insurance deductible and rates are suddenly at the front of your mind. One question you may have is do you need physical therapy after a car accident? Physical Therapy to Treat Internal Injuries After a car accident there can be many invisible symptoms for the first few days. Some begin to show up including headaches, neck pain, numbness, lightheadednes, dizziness, whiplash, and soreness. Many of these symptoms are just the beginning and may lead into more serious injuries if left untreated. How Physical Therapy Helps After a Car Accident Scar tissue and micro-tears can happen to the muscles within the body without even realizing it. It can cause stiffness and discomfort. They’re so hard to realize and detect [...]

By |2020-07-03T22:10:52-05:00July 13th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Will Going to a Chiropractor Help with My Car Accident Injuries?

Once a car accident has happened, injured drivers and passengers should seek immediate medical treatment. Then during the months that follow, they should seek treatment from a trained car accident personal injury chiropractor to correct the spinal alignment and repair the damage from any lingering neck, spine, back, or other musculoskeletal discomfort and misalignments. Getting that initial care is the most important part when dealing with insurance claims as those that wait to long will have more of a struggle in dealing with insurance companies trying to deny payment of their claim. So, don't wait to contact your Southlake TX Chiropractor Dr. Robert Meyer, D.C. for your first chiropractic evaluation. The leading question I get as a chiropractor is whether I'm able to help people that have been in a recent car accident. The short answer is "Of course!" The long answer is more [...]

By |2020-06-22T09:29:53-05:00July 6th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Cost of a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Just about every person will be in a serious car accident at some point in their driving life. At Meyer Chiropractic here in Southlake, we see these life-changing events far too often. Once an accident has happened, there are almost always injuries and negative long term effects for our drivers. Once you have been in an accident, it is imperative that you receive a thorough evaluation as soon as possible. By seeing a qualified professional, you can get the proper care and therapy you need to get out of pain as fast as possible, and avoid any long term effects. Unfortunately, accident victims are often more worried about their car and the possible cost of care for themselves than they are about getting better. If you have been in an accident, you need to call us at 817-310-6604 and get in for your consultation. Once [...]

By |2020-07-03T22:08:21-05:00June 29th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Why should my kids see a Chiropractor?

Patients are often surprised when they see kids being treated in our office. We usually hear some version of “what can a 10 year old have done to need to see you?” What’s funny about this is that these are the same people who have been dealing with pain for years. Once they start feeling better they say something to the effect of, “I wish I had known about this sooner!” Children today have issues that simply didn’t exist 20 years ago. By the time some kids hit middle school they are playing sports and training 20 hours a week or more . In high school they may be training 30+ hours a week putting massive wear and tear on their body. Other kids are “Gamers” and they spend hours every day in front of a screen which could lead to extremely tight muscles, [...]

By |2020-06-22T08:53:19-05:00June 22nd, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Why Do We Use Spinal Decompression in Southlake

In the deepest, darkest corner of Meyer Chiropractic, under sputtering torches there is a device that looks like something from a 14th century castle dungeon. The Rack. Truth be told, it is in a well lit area, complete with its own 40 inch TV. And, it’s not a torture device, it is Dr. Meyer’s spinal decompression table. Decompression doesn’t cause pain, it relieves it. How We Use Spinal Decompression in Southlake to Relieve Pain In between each bone (vertebrae) in your spine there is a disc, the disc is the soft cushion that allows your spine to move. This disc can be inured, causing it to bulge or even herniate. When that happens, a part of the disc will impact on a nerve, causing sharp, shooting pain (such as sciatica). Spinal Decompression therapy is the BEST way to treat a bulging or herniated disc. [...]

By |2020-08-14T14:03:45-05:00June 15th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Can Chiropractors Get Rid of Headaches

“I Can’t Concentrate, My Head and Sinuses Are Killing Me” For those who don’t know, I actually became a chiropractor because of long term headaches. I was 17 years old in great shape and taking 6 Advil a day just to get by. The pain was so bad I couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t stand up quickly and could hardly function. After seeing a chiropractor back in NJ, I was pain free in less than 2 weeks! My whole life changed because of that man. Fast forward 25 years. Life is crazy and being an adult is tough. The stresses of work, taking care of your home, helping your family and dealing with allergies here in Texas can take its toll. This can also cause your head to pound and your sinuses to feel like someone shoved a hot air balloon in them. Sometimes Chiropractors Can [...]

By |2020-06-22T08:54:28-05:00June 8th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Upper Back Pain Relief

Over the last 8 weeks, I have heard this phrase over and over again. With all the health concerns out there, many of my patients are forced to work from home, which means no more ergonomic office set up, with a great chair and desk. Some of them have great home offices, most of them have a dining room table and a chair at best, a sofa or bed at worst. When you have to work, hunched over a computer for hours at a time, the muscles in your upper back, shoulders and neck are going to hurt. It may start with just stiffness in your neck, tightness in your shoulders, or just pain when you change positions. After working like this for a few weeks, you go from discomfort and stiffness to outright pain. Don’t live in pain, pain sucks. Come to Meyer [...]

By |2020-06-04T01:03:32-05:00May 18th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Chiropractic Care For Auto Accident Injuries

Do you still suffer from injuries from past auto accidents? Even though the insurance companies are done and everyone seems to have moved on, you still have pain. At Meyer Chiropractic, our Southlake chiropractor specializes in helping patients like you find relief from auto injury pain and symptoms. If you've been in an auto accident and didn't get the treatment you needed, schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Meyer, D.C. today to get on the path to holistic healing and improved wellness. Common Auto Accident Symptoms There are many types of injury that we often see following an auto accident. Whiplash is by far the most common injury; this occurs when the spine is thrown forward abruptly, causing strain and damage to the tendons, muscles, and other soft tissues surrounding the spine itself. In addition to whiplash, herniated and slipped discs are also very [...]

By |2020-05-20T15:52:07-05:00May 11th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments
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